Tagged: resin

A “green” epoxy resin. Really?

A “green” epoxy resin. Really?

Like in all other fields, “green” promises are also on the rise in the resin industry.  But does it make sense to announce that a resin is environmentally friendly ? How can we explain that some manufacturers are...

Is it safe to work with epoxy resin ?

There is a great deal of misinformation and even fallacies about epoxy resins. Rumours of potential hazards of epoxy resin proliferate on the Internet. Lots of messages are written, without reliable sources, without sound scientific arguments, mere users presenting themselves...

5 mistakes you do with your resin !

Are you a beginner or an expert in the art of using a thermosetting resin? Here are some tips for a successful result. Thermosetting resins are getting more and more popular. Their interesting properties in terms of electrical,...